Instruction manual for FFMI and MAMC skinfold measurement

This material was created in cooperation of Department of Pneumology, University Hospital Hradec Králové, and Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Masaryk University. It is also available for download and print as a one-page PDF (1,4 MB).

Vyšetření 1

  1. Prior to skinfold measurement, it is necessary to educate the patient on the procedure.

Vyšetření 2

  1. A view of the calibrated caliper (made in Czech Republic)

Vyšetření 3

  1. How to hold the caliper

Vyšetření 5

  1. Skinfold measurement above the biceps muscle, at midline of the dominant arm (the right biceps of a right handed patient, the left biceps of a left handed patient). Three measurements are carried out and recorded into the patient protocol.

Vyšetření 5

  1. Skinfold measurement at midline of the triceps muscle of the dominant arm (three measurements recorded into the patient protocol)
  1. Subscapular skinfold measurement of the dominant side (three measurements recorded into the patient protocol)

Vyšetření 7

  1. Suprailiac skinfold measurement on the dominant side (three measurements recorded into the patient protocol)

Vyšetření 8

  1. Skinfold measurement at midline of the triceps muscle of the non-dominant arm (three measurements recorded into the patient protocol)

Vyšetření 9

  1. Measurement of the circumference of the upper non-dominant arm (one measurement)

Vyšetření 10

  1. Verified age, sex, weight and height are necessary for the FFMI and MAMC calculation. The data for patients enrolled in the COPD research database are entered into individual anonymous files. A free, online FFMI and MAMC calculator may be used for patients outside of the study. Note: Men have a tendency to overestimate their height and women underestimate their weight; therefore, patients should be weighed and measured on site.